
Waste Tire Drop-Off

Are you cleaning up around your house, property, or neighborhood? Find some old tires? Bring them to us for free proper disposal!

October was the last month of our waste tire drop-off program for 2024. We'll be back next year, look for announcements in the spring of 2025!


West Virginia residents can bring up to 10 old tires from their home to be disposed of properly, free of charge. In 2022 Friends of the Tug Fork formed a partnership with WV DEP REAP, City of Williamson, Mingo County Solid Waste Authority, and Veolia Water to provide an alternative for disposal of waste tires. 

The program has sparked residents to do neighborhood and stream cleanups. We gladly accept those "formerly wilded" waste tires too. 

As of June 1, 2024, 3,216 tires had been dropped off. We know that these will not end up dumped over a hillside or in our river. 

Stay tuned for 2025 dates and information! 

Reducing Fecal Coliform Pollution

Did you know that fecal coliform is a leading cause of impairment in West Virginia streams? Over 11,000 miles of stream are affected by fecal coliform contamination.

Combat water contamination with knowledge! Watch this 5-part webinar series on fecal coliform reduction in WV rivers and streams. Presentations from: WV Rivers Coalition, WV Department of Environmental Protection, WV Bureau for Public Health, West Virginia Conservation Agency, Trout Unlimited, & Crab Orchard Public Service District. Topics include: septic pumping, septic system replacements, BMPs for pastures, source tracking and load calculations for TMDLs, cluster systems, solutions where septic systems are no good, the perspective from a public service district, what the Nonpoint Source Program can do, and how the Clean Water State Revolving Fund and its partners work.

The webinar recording links can be found below. These recordings, as well as select presentation slides and resources from the presenters can be found on the WV Watershed Network webpage under 'Nonpoint Source Program Approaches to Reducing Fecal Coliform Pollution | Webinar Series.'

Webinar 1 Recording 

Webinar 2 Recording 

Webinar 3 Recording

Webinar 4 Recording 

Webinar 5 Recording