Naugatuck Access
River Mile Mark 92.5
Turn off of US 52 onto Inspiration Drive and cross the railroad tracks (use caution - no gates or signal at the crossing) to get to the Naugatuck access located on river right, just upstream of the mouth of Pigeon Creek. It is immediatly beside the water intake for Mingo County PSD's drinking water plant. Follow the dirt road down to the right of the plant facility. Kudzu vines and other weeds are a problem here and can take over the area. The bottom of the access drops a couple feet to the river.
Railroad crossing - no gates or signal, use caution!
Turn right down the gravel road just before the water plant facilities. Parking at the bottom.
Access to the river at the bottom of the gravel road. This area is weedy and uneven, use caution.
Downstream - bottom of access drops a couple feet to the river.
Upstream - bottom of access drops a couple feet to the river.