Bloody Mingo
Tug Fork Water Trail

There are more put-in and take-out river access points that are not listed in the official water trail. Check out these lists to see all of the locations and distances between them.

Tug Fork Access Distances.pdf
Tug Fork Access Distances.pdf

BE AWARE AND USE EXTREME CAUTION around a low head dam in the river on the upper end of the City of Williamson at river mile mark 76.9. This dam causes an inescapable drowning hydraulic. Review mapping carefully and avoid the dam. DO NOT, under any circumstances, try to cross the dam!

Cellphone service ranges from excellent to nonexistent on the river, depending on location and service provider.

Fishing licenses are reciprocal with West Virginia and Kentucky on the Tug Fork. Either license allows fishing in the river and from either riverbank.


Trips B-1 through B-8


Trips B-8 through B-14


Trips B-14 though B-17

Trip B-2: Ben Creek to Glen Alum (2.4 miles)

Trip B-2 begins the Bloody Mingo Water Trail. It starts at the Ben Creek Access and ends at Glen Alum Access

This short (2.4 mile) but enjoyable float features great fishing. Put in and take out are both in West Virginia on river right.

The river drops an average of 9 feet of elevation per mile on this trip.

Trip B-3: Glen Alum to April's Landing (6.4 miles)

Trip B-3 starts at Glen Alum Access and ends at April's Landing at the mouth of Knox Creek.

This 6.4 mile trip is very remote with an impressive rock formation, Slick Rock, observed on this stretch. Takeout is on river left (Kentucky) where Knox Creek joins the Tug Fork.

The river drops an average of 8 feet of elevation per mile on this trip.

Trip B-4: April's Landing to Beech Creek (0.9 mile)

Trip B-4 runs from April's Landing, on river left in Kentucky, to Beech Creek Access, on river right, in West Virginia. 

At only 0.9 miles in length, this is a short but enjoyable float featuring a long stretch of pool water. Because of the short length, this trip can be paddled back to the point of access or takeout at Beech Creek.

The river drops an average of 8 feet of elevation per mile on this trip.

Trip B-5: Beech Creek to Majestic (2.5 miles)

Trip B-5 takes you from Beech Creek, WV to Majestic, KY Access Point.

There is great fishing on this 2.5 miles of river. Takeout is river left just before the railroad trestle. 

The river drops an average of 7 feet of elevation per mile on this trip.

Trip B-6: Majestic to Peter Creek (4.1 miles)

Trip B-6 is from Majestic, KY to Peter Creek, KY with both access sites on river left.

Expect lots of pool water with alternating class 1 rapids during this 4.1 mile trip. This area offers great fishing for Smallmouth and Catfish.

The river drops an average of 6 feet of elevation per mile on this trip.

Trip B-7: Peter Creek to Grapevine (1.7 miles)

Trip B-7 takes paddlers from Peter Creek, KY to Grapevine Hollow, WV.

Two sets of shoals start this 1.7 mile trip before a long pool of water. Because this is a short stretch, the float could be extended to Thacker, WV (2.9 miles) or Hatfield McCoy Park (6.4 miles). This part of the river features great fishing for Spotted Bass and Catfish. Takeout is on river right where Grapevine Creek joins the river.

The river drops an average of 4 feet of elevation per mile on this trip.

Trip B-8: Grapevine to Thacker Hollow (1.2 miles)

Trip B-8 runs the river from Grapevine Hollow to Thacker Hollow. Both access sites are river right, in West Virginia.

Shoals with pools toward the end of this 1.2 mile float offer good opportunities for Catfish and Spotted Bass. Takeout is just after a class 1 rapid.

The river drops an average of 4 feet of elevation per mile on this trip.

Trip B-9: Thacker Hollow to Hatfield McCoy Park (3.5 miles)

Trip B-9 is from Thacker Hollow, on river right, in West Virginia to Hatfield McCoy Park, on river left, near McCarr, Kentucky. 

Put in is just downstream of a class 1 rapid at Thacker and takeout is 3.5 miles later, just downstream of Blackberry Creek. This float features shoals mixed with pools of water.

The river drops an average of 4 feet of elevation per mile on this trip.

Trip B-10: Hatfield McCoy Park to Matewan Mini Park (3.3 miles)

Trip B-10 leads paddlers from Hatfield McCoy Park, on river left to Matewan Mini Park, on river right.

This is one of the easier and most historic sections of the Tug Fork to float. It is 3.3 miles and goes through the Historic Town of Matewan, WV. An alternate takeout is at Hatfield's Hideout Campground (1.6 miles) on river left.

The river drops an average of 3 feet of elevation per mile on this trip.

Trip B-11: Matewan Mini Park to Burnwell Beach (4.9 miles)

Trip B-11's float runs from Matewan Mini Park to Burnwell Beach.

Many pools of water with occasional shoals are along this 4.9 mile stretch, with some areas great for panfishing (Bluegill, Green Sunfish, Rock Bass).Takeout is on river left at the large beach area between double 90 degree turns in the river.

The river drops an average of 3 feet of elevation per mile on this trip.

Trip B-12: Burnwell Beach to Williamson (5.9 miles)

Trip B-12 begins at Burnwell Beach and continues to a portage takeout just above a low head dam in the City of Williamson. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO CROSS THE DAM!  TAKEOUT IS MANDATORY!

This is an easy float with many pools of water. Anglers have a chance at musky in this area. The MANDATORY takeout is on river right at a brown metal piling wall. Hang to river right as you approach the takeout. THIS DAM CREATES A VERY DANGEROUS DROWNING HYDRAULIC ON THE DOWNSTREAM SIDE. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO CROSS THE DAM! 

The river drops an average of 2 feet of elevation per mile on this trip.

Trip B-13: 2nd Ave to Goodman Hollow (3.7 miles)

Trip B-13 begins in Williamson near the 2nd Ave bridge, just downstream of the low head dam. Takeout is at the Goodman Hollow Access Site.

Park in the grassy area between the Williamson Water Plant building and the flood wall then follow the sidewalk under the 2nd Ave bridge. This is a 3.7 mile float to Goodman Hollow  that can be shortened with takeouts at South Williamson (1.4 miles) or Gracieland in West Williamson (2.2 miles). It is mostly long pools of water with a couple shoals along the way. You will pass under a few bridges and view flood walls that protect Williamson, WV and South Williamson, KY. Takeout is on river right.

The river drops an average of 2 feet of elevation per mile on this trip.

Trip B-14: Goodman Hollow to Borderland (3.1 miles)

Trip B-14 takes paddlers from Goodman Hollow to Borderland.

Multiple pools of water with good fishing for Spotted Bass and Catfish are contained in this 3.1 miles of river. Put in and takeout are both on river right (West Virginia).

The river drops an average of 2 feet of elevation per mile on this trip.

Trip B-15: Borderland to Huntleyville (2.5 miles)

Trip B-15 runs from Borderland, WV to Huntleyville, KY.

This 2.5 mile float is mostly pool water along with some scenic sights including the Nolan Toll Bridge (1.7 miles), the Big Creek railroad trestle (1.9 miles), and the old Nolan sand plant dam (1.9 miles) with takeout on river left. The old Nolan dam has has been notched to allow safe passage of small watercraft, no portage is necessary.

The river drops an average of 2 feet of elevation per mile on this trip.

Trip B-16: Huntleyville to Naugatuck (6.3 miles)

Trip B-16 is from Huntleyville, KY to Naugatuck, WV.

Featuring a mix of Bass and Catfish fishing, this 6.3 mile trip is mostly calm water. Alternate takeout locations are located at Mt. Sterling (3.1 miles) on river left and Maher (4.1 miles) on river right.

The river drops an average of 2 feet of elevation per mile on this trip.

Trip B-17: Naugatuck to Warfield (7.4 miles)

Tip B-17 takes a paddler 7.4 miles from Naugatuck, WV to Warfield, KY.

There is mostly calm water, with a few shoals, on this 7.4 miles of river. Trees in the river result in mixture of Spotted Bass, Catfish, and the occasional Musky for our anglers to try.

Warfield is the end of the Bloody Mingo Tug Fork River Water Trail.

The river drops an average of 2 feet of elevation per mile on this trip.

The Bloody Mingo Tug Fork Water Trail is sponsored by Coal Heritage Area Authority, Friends of the Tug Fork River, Tug Valley Chamber of Commerce, Tug Valley Area CVB, Williamson Parks & Recreation, and Williamson Health & Wellness Center.